We offer a variety of classes to future, current and non GMS employees.

Article 9
Successful completion of an Article 9 class is a prerequisite of the State of Arizona for anyone who will be providing paid services for an individual through the Division of Developmental Disabilities. Content covers a variety of topics including, positive teaching techniques and strategies, prohibited techniques, managing difficult behaviors, behavior plans, individual rights, abuse and neglect, positive behavior support and methods of reporting and documentation. All tests are provided by the State and instructors are certified by the State of Arizona. Providers must re-certify every 3 years.
Time: 4 hrs.
Fee: $0 for Guthrie Provider $30 for non-Guthrie Provider

CPR and Basic First Aid
Instructors are certified through the National Safety Council and curriculum meets current CPR and ECC Guidelines as well as OSHA requirements for first aid training in the workplace. Training covers CPR with hands on practicum, AED use, choking and abdominal thrusts, Basic First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens and Assisting with Medication Administration. Providers will be supplied with a workbook, Quick Guide and certification cards. Providers must re-certify every 2 years.
Time: 5.5 hrs. Class can be taken for only CPR or BFA however taking both at once is recommended
Fee: $20 for Guthrie providers $30 for non-Guthrie providers for each class or $55 for both at once.

Prevention and Support
Successful completion of a Prevention and Support class is a prerequisite of the State of Arizona for anyone who will be providing paid services for an individual that has a behavior plan through the Division of Developmental Disabilities. It is also helpful for all direct care workers to take this class. Emphasis is placed on building positive relationships and working proactively with individuals that may have behavior challenges. In the event of a behavioral emergency the direct care worker will know which emergency physical intervention technique can be used and how to de-escalate the situation, keeping the individual safe.
Prevention and Support Training involves physical techniques that require students to be in good health and capable of some strenuous activity. Prevention and Support is not recommended for individuals with certain physical conditions which may include, but not limited to, knee injuries, back injuries, pregnancy, vertebrae fusion, spinal cord injuries or inability to use any part of the body normally. Participation in the class Prevention and Support Training is at your own risk.
Please wear closed-toed, closed-heeled shoes (athletic shoes are great) and casual but professional clothing appropriate for physical exercise-like activity.
All tests are provided by the State and instructors are certified by the State of Arizona. Providers must re-certify every 3 years.
Time: 9 hrs. (includes 1 hr. break given for lunch)
Fee: $0 for Guthrie Provider $55 for non-Guthrie Provider

DCW Training & Testing
The Direct Care Worker training is a mandatory training requirement instituted by AHCCCS for Direct Care Workers (DCW) who provide/bill for Attendant Care services.
The training consists of three separate courses: Level 1 Fundamentals, Level 2 Developmental Disabilities and Level 2 Aging and Physical Disabilities. Providers are required to take the Level 1 Fundamentals course and one of the Level 2 courses. Immediate family members are not required to take a level 2 course, but it is still recommended.
We offer training and testing for all three DCW courses. The provider comes to the training site for a 6–8-hour hands–on training and testing session for Level 1. Level 2 courses must be completed after Level 1.
This course can also be taken for Continuing Education. Each level is 10 CE credits.
Fee: $0 for Guthrie Provider $80 per course for non-Guthrie Provider
Welcome to Guthrie Mainstream Services. In this class the new provider will receive the GMS Quality Assurance Manual and cover aspects of working with an individual with Developmental Disabilities while employed at GMS. Providers must have completed the new hire paperwork on-line before attending class. A Notary will be available during class to assist with forms needing to be notarized. Application for a Fingerprint Clearance Card will also be completed if needed.
Time: 4 hrs.
Fee: $0 for Guthrie Provider N/A for non-Guthrie Provider

Habilitation – A Hands on Approach
Providers will learn that teaching an individual new skills starts with building a relationship. Providers will have the opportunity to practice the following: relationship building skills, Positive Behavior Support, positive teaching techniques and strategies, goals and objectives writing, and Habilitation data reporting and record keeping.
Time: 2 hrs.
Fee: $0 for Guthrie Provider $30 for non-Guthrie Provider

This class is designed to teach the Guthrie H.C.B.S. provider the guidelines for accurately using the EVV system in order to be paid. Respite, Habilitation, Attendant Care and DTA/DTT E-billing will be explained. A “mini” version of our Incident Reporting Class is also included. Note: This class is NOT intended for ADH/CDH contracted vendors or for Continuing Education hours.
Time: 1 hr.
Fee: $0 for Guthrie Provider N/A for non-Guthrie Provider

Incident Reporting
This is an overview of Incident Reporting best practices for Providers and Agencies contracted with AZ DES/DDD. Upon completion of this class the provider will: Understand when and how to complete incident reports and who to report to; Understand the purpose of incident reports; Identify the types of incident reports and the timeframe for reporting incidents and identify the essential components for documentation of an incident report. Providers will practice writing Incident Reports using examples relevant to the individuals they serve. Certification does not expire.
Time: 2 hrs.
Fee: $0 for Guthrie Provider $30 for non-Guthrie Provider

Cultural Competency
Cultural Competency is an important part of providing care to the people being served by our providers. Cultural Competency is individual centered care. All people, no matter what country of origin, race, culture, religion, belief or ability want to feel that providers are sensitive to their needs and that their personal values and beliefs really count. Respectfully educating others is also an important component discussed in this class. Certification does not expire.
Time: 2 hrs.
Fee: $0 for Guthrie Provider $30 for non-Guthrie Provider

Developmental Home Training
DH Training is for individuals interested in contracting as a vender through Guthrie Mainstream Services as a licensed Adult/Child Developmental Home Provider (DH). Orientation to Adult/Child Developmental Home provision consists of two parts: ADH/CDH Orientation to Guthrie and ADH/CDH Training. During site-based training we will have a notary and fingerprinting services available.
These classes along with other pre-requisites are needed in order to become a licensed ADH/CDH provider. An in-home pre-screening must be done before class can be attended.
Fee: $0 for perspective ADH/CDH venders to be licensed through Guthrie Mainstream Services