We appreciate your interest in becoming a Developmental Home provider with Guthrie Mainstream Services (GMS). We offer equal opportunities to applicants based on demonstrated ability, experience, and training. We take pride in having the highest quality direct care providers in Arizona.
(*Developmental Home providers for Adults (ADH) and Children (CDH) are sub-contracted with GMS through the Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) and the State of Arizona.)
Steps to become a Developmental Home (DH) Provider:
- Complete a Developmental Home Application.
- Director of Developmental Homes will review your application. If it is determined there is a need for homes in your area, you will be contacted to schedule a pre-screening interview.
Our requirements are based on DDD’s mandates for being a certified DH provider. Below is a list of training needed to be certified in Arizona. If you have previously taken any of these classes, please provide a copy of the current certificate(s).
- DH Orientation to Guthrie Mainstream
- CPR & Bloodborne Pathogens
- First Aid & Assisting with Medication Administration
- DH Training
- Cultural Competency (Covered in Foster Parent College for CDH’s)
- Incident Reporting
- Article 9
- Exploring Developmental Disabilities
- Habilitation
- CDH providers ONLY – Foster Parent College
After completing licensing, 10 hours of Continuing Education are required each year to keep your license active.
In consideration of your application for licensure, GMS, and the Office of Licensing, Certification, and Regulation (OLCR) need you to provide the following documentation, during GMS orientation, to support your qualifications.
Proof of Income (one of these)
-Pay Stubs
-W2-Tax Returns
-1099 Form (self-employed)
Proof of Homeowner’s/Renter’s Insurance
-Declarations page
Criminal History Declaration (Guthrie Mainstream Services will provide)
-Level One AZ Department of Public Safety Finger Print Clearance Card
-Criminal Self-Disclosure Declaration
-Valid Driver’s License (State, License Number, Expiration Date, Restrictions)
-Liability Insurance (Company Name, Coverage Expiration Date)
-Vehicle Registration (Car Year, Make, Model, Vehicle Identification Number, Expiration Date)
Reference (Guthrie Mainstream Services will provide reference forms)
-3 Character References from people who are familiar with you and your family, but who are not related
-1 Employment Reference if you are currently working, or have worked, with children or adults with developmental disabilities.
-School References if you have school aged children (5-17)
Children’s Immunizations
-Immunization Records
-Statement of affiliation with a religion which is opposed to immunizations
-Statement of applicant opposition to such immunizations
Dog Rabies Vaccinations
-Rabies Vaccination Verification (Breed of dog and vaccination expiration date)
-Pet coverage must be listed on Insurance Declarations page specific to breed
Physician’s Statement
-Physician’s Statement (Guthrie Mainstream Services will provide form)
-Health Self Disclosure (Guthrie Mainstream Services will provide form)
Emergency Evacuation Plan
-Emergency Evacuation Plan of Residence
Frequently Asked Questions about becoming a Developmental Home provider
Q: Can I get licensed even if I live in an apartment?
A: Yes, you can be licensed in a house, condo or an apartment. As long as the home has an empty bedroom that can be used for a member you are able to apply for a license.
Q: How many members can I be licensed for?
A: An initial application will license you for one member. If you have additional spare bedrooms, you are able to amend your license after six months to increase the bed capacity. The maximum number of members you could be licensed for is three.
Q: How old do you have to be to apply for a developmental home license?
A: Applicants must be 21 years or older.